Sims Gateway and Boatyard Expansion Project

Sims Gateway Project Logo

Status:  After much hard work by the stakeholder committee and agency staff and with the help of the public, the Sims Gateway and Boatyard Expansion project design concept was approved on September 12, 2022  by the City, Port, and PUD elected officials. In 2023, the City updated the its Comprehensive Plan to honor the work completed in 2022.  Presently the Port of Port Townsend is developing detailed design plans in preparation for construction in 2025.  Many thanks for community support in addressing safety concerns, support our marine trades through a boatyard expansion, and ensure the gateway is an attractive and ecologically sustainable entry into Port Townsend.

Background Information and Key Issues 
The discovery of a safety concern in the summer of 2021 in which the transmission powerlines were found to be arcing with the row of Lombardy Poplar trees along Sims Way and Boat Haven, led to a joint project with Jefferson County PUD, the Port of Port Townsend, and the City of Port Townsend to address the issue. The project partners have set out with the goal of turning lemons in to lemonade recognizing the impact to the iconic row of Lombardy Poplar trees that line Sims Way. After initial consultation with the Parks, Recreation, Trees and Trails Advisory board in August of 2021, the project was expanded to consider both sides of Sims way in recognition of the impacts of the Lombardy Poplars to the Kah Tai Lagoon Nature Park and a 1986 study recommending replacement of the Lombardy Poplars.


The project partners recognize the tree lined section of Sims Way is an iconic feature to Port Townsend along with Boat Haven and Kah Tai Lagoon. The partners honor the aesthetic of the hybrid Lombardy Poplar trees and also recognize the responsibility of sustainable infrastructure and the environmental challenges associated with the trees. Restoring and enhancing this area of Port Townsend is a primary objective for the City for residents and visitors alike. 



Objectives/Desired Outcome(s)
The project is intended to leverage economic health of Boat Haven and the maritime industry, safety and reliability associated with power infrastructure, and environmental stewardship to better the community for the long term consistent with the City’s Comprehensive Plan, Gateway Development Plan and the 1986 Landscape Plan for Kah Tai.


Project goals include, but are not limited to:

  • Positive economic impact for the Port (job creation)
  • Elimination of public safety issue (tree hazards)
  • Enhanced accessibility to the boatyard
  • Improved reliability of power infrastructure
  • Replacement of Lombardy poplars, an emerging and eventual need for the City
  • Environmental stewardship of Kah Tai Lagoon and support for growth of plantings of native species that has already occurred as recommended in the 1986 Landscape Plan
  • Reduced water needs and include climate change considerations
  • Improved bio-diversity and create an aesthetically pleasing gateway



Fiscal Considerations
The funded project budget is $2,000,000 Total Project Cost including in-kind resources.


  • Jefferson County PUD: $700,000 for tree removal, undergrounding power lines and installing a walking path
  • Port of Port Townsend: $900,000 for expansion of the boatyard
  • City of Port Townsend: $370,000 total for replanting the Boat Haven side of Sims Way (estimated $170,000) and for Lombardy poplar tree removal on the Kah Tai Lagoon side (estimated $200,000)


A successful Jefferson County Public Infrastructure Funding grant for $1,000,000, is restricted to use for economic development in Jefferson County, and helps to offset half the total project cost. 



Estimated Schedule:  




Materials available for review
The following documents provide background information. For additional materials, please see links associated with each of the stakeholder and parks board meetings below.


August 6, 2022 Open House Materials
(Thank you to all those who attended. We are thankful for a great turnout and all the feedback we received.)  Agenda & Meeting Packet   Display Board Documents


Video and meeting materials for past meetings are available


Public Participation and Comment

How can you engage?  
The engagement process is intended to be transparent, considerate of diverse perspectives, and productive in order to achieve the best outcome possible for the community. The engagement process includes the formation of a volunteer stakeholder committee who will participate in a series of meetings to bring diverse perspectives to the table. This committee will look at the technical details associated with the complete project scope and develop options for consideration by decisions makers. These meetings will be held in a virtual format and recorded. The public is encouraged to watch these meetings to understand the various factors and complexities being considered. The stakeholder meetings will not be the place to provide public comment and testimony in order to facilitate communication and discussion between consultants, staff, and the members of the committee.  However, public comment will be received and is encouraged outside of the meeting via email. Please direct emails to and not directly to the committee members in order for them to be considered in the process. Periodic updates on the process will be provided to the PRTTAB. At these meetings, public comment and testimony will be received orally as well as in written format.  All public comment sent to this email address and provided at the PRTTAB meetings will be logged and included in a final report. Finally, after options are developed and vetted, a recommended option along with the public comments logged will be provided to the decision making bodies of the City Council, Port Commission, and PUD Commission.

Finally, we ask for grace and kindness through the process. The best outcomes will result from encouraging the most participation as possible. A civil dialogue is key to this process such that all feel welcome to share their thoughts and opinions. Thank you for your help!


Final Adopted Plan


The City Council adopted an amendment to the Gateway Development Plan in October of 2023.  

Planning Commission, September 28, 2023:   Planning Commission Link

City Council, October 16, 2023:   City Council Link

Final Adopted Plan

Final Plan Appendices: link - laserfiche other city plans



Click any thumbnail image to view a slideshow

Sims Way Boat Yard Open House 1
Sims Way Boat Yard Open House 2
Sims Way Boat Yard Open House 3
Sims Way Boat Yard Open House 4
Sims Way Boat Yard Open House 5
Sims Way Boat Yard Open House 11
Sims Way Boat Yard Open House 9
Sims Way Boat Yard Open House 8
Sims Way Boat Yard Open House 12
Sims Way Boat Yard Open House 13
Sims Way Boat Yard Open House 7
Sims Way Boat Yard Open House 6
Sims Way Boat Yard Open House 10