Boards and Commissions

Serving on a City board or commission is an important way for the public to engage with their City government. Citizen advisories are established by the City Council to assist the Council on specific issues and promote citizen involvement with City government.
Openings occur frequently, and we are always looking for volunteers. If you are interested in serving on one of our boards you can fill out our Boards/Commissions Online Application or visit City Hall for a hard copy application. For any information or questions, please contact the Clerk's office at (360) 379-5083.
Meeting Participation
There are many ways to participate in City meetings and be more engaged with your City government. Some options include livestreaming, joining by webinar or joining by phone. All meeting instructions can be found on the City web calendar.
Public Comment
Webinar participants will be able to provide up to three minutes of public comment during the meeting. Public comment will also be accepted by email and will be read aloud by staff during the meeting (for up to three minutes), provided emails are received two hours before the start of each meeting. Please submit public comment at Public Comment Submission.
Important Note: Effective December 1, 2023 the public comment email address will no longer be active. All public comment will need to be submitted using a new form linked on the City Council webpage.