Envision Port Townsend Golf Course

In early 2020, City Council gave direction to staff to pursue a two-pronged approach to managing the golf course: (1) issue an Request for Proposal (RFP) and enter into a three-year operational agreement and (2) engage the community in discussion about alternative uses. Council was given a thorough presentation and discussed a trajectory for the golf course both at the October 12, 2020 and November 2, 2020 Council meetings. City Council was given options to consider for a possible path forward. At the November 2, 2020 meeting, Council unanimously voted to select option 3, with some changes. The final option that was voted on unanimously stated, “ Authorize the City Manager to pursue continued golf services for 3 years and during this time investigate alternative use concepts for feasibility and develop/refine with the broad community involvement, including the possibility for extended golf use.” In addition, City Council authorized the issuance of an RFP and subsequently entered into an agreement for operations with Gabriel Tonan Golf Shop, Inc. for a term of three years, during which time the City would explore alternative uses for the Golf Course.
In addition, in 2020 the City conducted a public process to adopt a Parks, Recreation, and Open Space (PROS) planning element. PROS Plan community engagement results showed limited use of the Port Townsend Golf Course and interest in golf in general. Most vision survey respondents did not have an opinion on the operation, investment, or use of the golf course. For those who did have an opinion, most did not want to make capital investments, set a cost recovery policy, or explore partnership options. For those with an opinion, most did not want the City to stop operating the golf course, but others were supportive of exploring alternative options.
Based on the PROS plan results and City Council direction, staff proposed a community process framework to launch a more robust community discussion about the Golf Course, and included Mountain View Commons. City Council approved the “Envision Port Townsend Golf Course and Mountain View Commons” framework to launch a community discussion in June 2022. The City Council was again briefed on this plan and approved an award of bid for a landscape architect firm, Groundswell LLC, to assist with the exploration and community discussion for the Port Townsend Golf Course and Mountain View Commons in September 2022 .
Since this process has launched, staff seated a 20-member stakeholder committee, conducted 11 stakeholder meetings, hosted a project launch on-site at the Golf Course and Mountain View Commons, implemented two intercept events at Quimper Mercantile and the Food Co-op, met various groups in town, held three open houses – both in person and virtually – and has implemented three online surveys. In addition, there has been a webpage dedicated to this project with evolving information, documents pertinent to the properties, the comment log, recordings, agendas and minutes from the stakeholder meetings, comment cards, distribution list sign up and comprehensive information about this process.
The stakeholders started in September 2022 with 21 members. We have had some attrition over the 10 months, and the following recommendation is representative of 13 stakeholders. The stakeholders were comprised of volunteer citizens who either help steward the land and buildings at Mountain View and the Golf Course or represented the broader community. They have worked diligently to leave their interests and/or “stakes” behind when they engage in stakeholder meetings. And they have been asked to remain objective, listen to the broader community, and guide the planning team concerning listening to the community.
The stakeholders have had 11 1.5-hour meetings over ten months. They have guided the process by creating selection criteria and holding this as their key to moving forward. They have guided the planning process, asked many questions, and have been good stewards for the future of Port Townsend. They understand that the plan is conceptual, and know that the final decision was for the City Council.
The stakeholders had intended to bring forward one recommendation about the result to the City Council. That said, they represent a microcosm of our community. They were divided on the trajectory of the golf course. In the last meeting, they tried to find a win-win, and find some compromise, but the input was eight in support of the hybrid option, four in support of the Central Park option, and one person voicing interest in a modified hybrid that would have golf be an element, i.e. Miniature Golf, putting green, and/or driving range, and create more elements for the general public. This was of interest to eight stakeholders when this was voiced near the end of the meeting. In addition, the stakeholders were in support of some kind of housing element in the conceptual plan.
The City would like to thank the stakeholders for their time, commitment, and efforts toward this important community conversation.
In addition to the stakeholders, the Parks, Recreation, Trees, Trails Advisory Board also had a special meeting to make the following recommendation:
The PRTTAB recommends a hybrid plan that encourages the use of an alternative driving range ( i.e. netting or virtual), that includes space for a dog park, and eliminates the housing element that is currently in the vegetative space. There was also an interest in the hybrid in the timing as well, sharing the space and allowing citizens to have access to the trails when there is no golfing. The final vote was 5 in favor and one in opposition.
The City would also like to thank the PRTTAB for their recommendation on this very important community discussion.
On July 17, 2023, the Council charged the stakeholders committee and the consultant to develop another concept for the Council to consider that would be a modified hybrid that would have golf be an element, i.e. Miniature Golf, putting green, and/or driving range, and create more elements for the general public. In addition, the Council was interested in seeing a feasible housing element in this plan. The stakeholders met on August 31st to develop ideas for this concept.
In addition, there has been a group of citizens who have been working on another hybrid option that would involve a nonprofit operating the golf course, supporting the finances, and opening access to the land for the community. This could include adding disc golf, soccer golf, possibly opening the course in the mornings and evenings for walkers, having summer concerts on the driving range, adding a miniature golf course, etc.
On September 25, City Council directed staff to negotiate a lease with this new nonprofit group, the Friends of Port Townsend Golf Park.
On December 11, 2023, Council authorized the City Manager to sign a lease with the Friends of Port Townsend Golf Course.
The Port Townsend Municipal Golf Course was developed in 1904 and includes a regulation-length 9-hole course, driving range, maintenance buildings, and clubhouse with a commercial kitchen for restaurant services, and retail sales. The Golf Course, once privately owned and operated, was converted to a public course in 1927 and first administered by Jefferson County but is now owned and operated by the City of Port Townsend. The City leases the Golf Course to a local business for management and operations. When converted to a public course, there were deed restrictions on the property. There is a deed restriction that the largest parcel will be used for municipal purposes only.
The Port Townsend City Council recently discussed a community engagement framework to explore the Port Townsend Golf Course’s future direction. The City Council gave direction to staff in late 2020 to enter into a three-year operational agreement for golf, to investigate alternative use concepts for feasibility, and to develop and refine these concepts with broad community involvement, including the possibility of extended golf use. The City is launching a community engagement process to explore alternative use concepts for both the Golf Course and Mountain View Commons.
This community engagement work will help determine the future use of the municipal land currently used as the Port Townsend Golf Course. According to a recent study completed by the National Golf Foundation (NGF) in 2019, the NGF found that the facility is challenged by its declining physical condition and somewhat remote location which limits its potential market support. NGF has estimated that it would cost $935,000 - $1.2M to bring it up to standard to attract more visits and become a viable Golf Course. The upgrades would include improvements to the irrigation system and pump house, tree and stump removal, purchase of appropriate maintenance equipment, clubhouse repair, and course repair. Based on this analysis, the City Council at the time decided not to pursue the recommendation because of the cost for both the capital and operations.
Project Area
The options being considered will be limited to the Golf Course site, including the parking lot, pathways, trails, and clubhouse as depicted on the map (Exhibit 1). A small area within Port Townsend Golf Course, called the Kah Tai Prairie is 1.4 acres and is located in the southeast area of the golf course. The prairie has been the focus of preservation and restoration by the Olympic Chapter of the Washington Native Plant Society since it was recognized as a unique botanical site in 1986. The Kah Tai Prairie is located within the Port Townsend Golf Course and is open to the public to enjoy. The City has an interest in master planning the Mountain View Campus (Exhibit 2) as part of Phase 3 of the community visioning plan. The Mountain View Campus is adjacent to the Golf Course and could have some complementary uses as part of the larger discussion.
The below photos show:
- Exhibit 1: Port Townsend Golf Course. Operated by Gabriel Tonan Golf Shop, Inc. Also includes a management agreement for the Kah Tai Prairie.
- Exhibit 2: Mountain View Campus: includes KPTZ, Food Bank, Red Cross, Working Image, Parks and Recreation office, IT, Police Station and YMCA ( operating the pool/gym, some outdoor area). Also includes Dog Park and Pickleball courts.
Desired Outcomes
The community engagement effort will explore all options and culminate in a recommendation for the City Council to consider, expected in spring 2023. The effort will also include planning for the Mountain View Campus, which is across the street from the Golf Course, to take advantage of any complimentary ideas and/or uses. The link to the City Council meeting with the community engagement framework can be found on our City Council June 13 2022 meeting agenda.
“We are very excited to hear the community’s thoughts and vision about the future of the golf course. We are lucky to have valuable community assets and are eager to engage with the community to determine the best ways this asset can serve the community now and into the future,” commented Mayor David Faber.
Stakeholder Committee
As part of the community process, a stakeholder committee has been identified to help guide the process. They will meet on a regular basis, and the meetings will be open to the public.
Stakeholder Meeting and Open House Schedule
- September 29, 2022: Stakeholder Kick-off Meeting | Agenda | Kick-off Presentation Stakeholders | Meeting Recording
- October 18, 2022 - 3:30-5:00 p.m.: Stakeholder meeting #2, City Council Chambers | Agenda & Meeting Materials
- October 25, 2022: Project Launch on-site, Open to the public, 2-4pm on-site at the Golf Course and at the Mountain View Campus | Project Launch Comment Cards
- November 15, 2022 - 3:30-5:00 p.m.: Stakeholder meeting #3, City Council Chambers | Meeting Video
- November 22. 2022: Parks and Trails Commission briefing.
- December 20, 2022 - 3:30 -5:00 p.m.: Stakeholder meeting #4, Virtual Only | Meeting Video | Meeting Minutes | Presentation
- January 11, 2023 - 5 - 7:00 p.m.: Concept Planning Effort Open House, Fort Worden Commons, 210 Battery Way | Agenda | Presentation | Comment Cards | Dream Big Comments
- January 12, 2023 - 4 - 5:30p.m.: Envision the Port Townsend Golf Course and Mountain View Commons | Presentation
- February 9, 2023 - 3:30 - 5:30 p.m.: Stakeholder Meeting #5 | Presentation
- March 6, 2023 - 3:30 - 5:00 p.m.: Stakeholder Meeting #6 | Agenda | Presentation | Meeting Minutes
- March 23, 2023 - 3:30 - 5:00 p.m.: Stakeholder Meeting #7 | Agenda | Presentation | Video Recording
- April 18, 2023 - 3:30 - 5:00 p.m.: Stakeholder Meeting #8 | Video Recording | Presentation | Meeting Minutes
- April 26, 2023 - 5:00 p.m.: Open House #2, Fort Warden Commons | Concept Plans to Accompany Survey | Presentation | Combined Open House Results
- May 1, 2023 - 4 - 5:30 p.m. Envision the Port Townsend Golf Course and Mountain View Commons #2
- May 8, 2023 - 3:30 - 5:00 p.m.: Stakeholder Meeting #9 | Presentation | Video Recording
- June 8, 2023 - 3:30 - 5:00 p.m.: Stakeholder Meeting #10 | Hybrid Meeting | Agenda | Presentation
- June 20, 2023 - 6:00 p.m.: City Council Briefing | Agenda
- June 22, 2023 - 5:00 p.m.: Open House #3, Fort Warden Commons | Click to Sign up for Childcare | Presentation
- June 26, 2023 - 4 - 5:30 p.m.: Online Open House #3 | Agenda | Video Recording
- July 6, 2023 - 3:30 - 5:00 p.m.: Stakeholder Meeting #11 | Hybrid Meeting | Agenda | Video Recording
- July 17, 2023 - 6:00 p.m.: City Council Final Recommendation | Video Recording
- July 31, 2023 - 3:30 - 5:00 p.m.: Stakeholder Meeting #12 | Hybrid Meeting | Agenda | Presentation | Meeting Minutes
- August 28, 2023 - 6 - 8:00 p.m.: City Council tour of Golf Course and Mountain View Commons
- September 18, 2023 - 6:00 p.m.: City Council Business Meeting | Agenda | Video Recording
- September 25, 2023 - 6:00 p.m.: City Council Special Session | Agenda | Video Recording
- December 4, 2023 - 6:00 p.m.: City Council Business Meeting | Agenda | Video Recording
- December 11, 2023 - 6:00 p.m.: City Council Special Session | Agenda | Video Recording
Small Group Outreach
- November 11, 2022
- Comments from Small Group Meetings - November 2022 through January 2023
- Quimper Mercantile Comments, December 17, 2022
- Food Co-op Comments, December 10, 2022
Award of bid for Landscape
The City recently advertised a request for qualifications for a landscape architect team to assist with this process. Six firms submitted, three were interviewed and the selection committee unanimously recommended Groundswell Landscape Architecture for an award of bid. The City Council unanimously approved this recommendation.
Current Operations
- Revenue 2021-2022
- Revenue 2018-2019
- Gabriel Tonan Golf Course Lease 2021-2023
- Golf Course Full Financials 2022 - 2018
- Financial Analysis
- Golf Tournaments 2023
- 20 Years of Fundraising at PT Golf Course
- 2019 - 2022 PTGC Irrigation Water Usage
- 2019 - 2022 PTGC Clubhouse Water Usage
- Percentage of Gross Revenue Versus $10,000 Contractual Agreement
- 2018 - 2022 Golf Course Financial Analysis
Materials Available for Review
- Schedule
- Parks, Recreation and Open Space Plan
- National Golf Foundation study
- Envisioning The Port Townsend Golf Course; a Community Discussion Framework
- Request for Qualifications for Landscape Architecture
- October 12, 2020: City Council Meeting
- November 2, 2020: City Council Meeting
- June 13, 2022: City Council Meeting
- September 6, 2022: City Council Meeting
- Comment Log I - (Comments #1 - 617 || Updated 5/17/23)
- Comment Log II - (Comments #618 - ... || Updated 9/27/23)
- Pre-Launch Comment Log
- January 11 & 12, 2023 Open House Meeting Notice with Childcare Registration QR Code
- June 27, 2018: Port Townsend & Jefferson County Leader Article, Kah Tai Prairie Preserve
- Deed Reports
- Deed Diagram
- Golf Course Parcels Matrix
- National Golf Foundation Report Financial Pro Formas and Supporting Analysis for Reconfiguration Options
- Expanded Southwick Enterprises Golf Course Asset Inventory Study May 2004 with Appendices and Photo Album
- Southwick Enterprises Asset Inventory Study 2004
- 20 Years of PTGC Funds to Charity
- City Council Presentation January 17, 2023
- Summary of Multi and Single Family Developments March 2023
- Parcel and Housing Diagram March 1, 2023
- Combined Open House #2 Results
- March 2023 Summary of Multi-family Housing and SF Developments
- Prior and Updated Housing Diagrams
- Golf Course Final Recommendation and Analysis
- September 25, 2023 Press Release