Healthier Together

Healthier Together
September 2024 Update
On September 16, 2024 in a joint meeting of Port Townsend City Council and the Board of County Commissioners, the Healthier Together Task Force presented their final report to both bodies and the public.
Learn more about the Task Force
Questions about the Task Force and next steps can be directed to County Commissioner Greg Brotherton
Healthier Together Background & Purpose
To provide long-term infrastructure and opportunities for improving community health and wellness by building on previous collaborative efforts and meeting the evolving needs of our community. To reengage previous partners and the community to establish a health and wellness center with a modern aquatics component.
In 2019, Jefferson Public Health, the City of Port Townsend, and Jefferson Healthcare collaborated on a Community Health Assessment (CHA) county-wide. After a robust community process and gathering of data, the study concluded that stress, income, physical activity, health problems, and housing were the five top challenges for our community. In addition, the State of Washington publishes census tract demographic information comparing statewide statistics. This demographic data shows that Port Townsend and Jefferson County median household income is below the statewide average, the disabled population is above the state average, and the mortality rate is above the state average. The State Recreation Conservation Office uses these indicators to determine the vulnerability of a community and prioritize funding for parks, recreation, and health and wellness opportunities based on these statistics.
There have been many efforts over the past decades to plan for and rebuild the pool and/or a community health and wellness facility for Port Townsend, East Jefferson County, and Jefferson County as a whole. This background focuses on just the last two decades. Concentrated efforts were made in 2001 by the city, 2008 by a nonprofit, 2012 by the County, 2014- 2018 by the Y and Hospital District, and efforts have been stalled since the pandemic. In each of these cases, the efforts did not have the full attention or investment from all community partners. The brief exploration of these processes will help us all learn that the establishment of a health and wellness facility will take the whole community. This is a heavy lift and collaboration is essential.
Desired Outcomes
The community planning effort will include concepts, research, and feasibility for siting, costing, and managing expectations, an implementation plan, including financing, and polling for any community financing initiatives that may be needed. The planning effort will be a multi-phased effort culminating in a final report and implementation plan that will be transmitted to each public entity, the community, and stakeholders. It will identify the next steps for implementation and the roles and responsibilities of each public entity.
Steering Committee:
As part of the planning process, the seven partners identified in the Healthier Together document will make up the steering committee. This group will plan and help facilitate a robust community engagement process. These partners include Jefferson County, Jefferson Healthcare, Port Townsend School District, Port of Port Townsend, YMCA, Jefferson Aquatics Coalition, and City of Port Townsend.
Steering Committee and Open House Schedule:
- February 10, 2023: Steering Committee Kick-off Meeting | Agenda | Presentation | Meeting Minutes | Individual Interviews
- March 14, 2023, 6 - 8:00 p.m.: Open House #1, Fort Worden Conference and Events Center, 200 Battery Way | Announcement | PSA | Presentation
- March 16, 2023, 6 - 8:00 p.m.: Online Open House | Virtual Meeting Recording
- April 27, 2023, 6 - 8:00 p.m.: Open House, Chimacum School Auditorium, 91 West Valley Road | Presentation
- May 3, 2023, 6 - 8:00 p.m.: Online Open House | Agenda | Click to Join | Presentation | Click for Survey | Concept Designs to Accompany Survey
- May 4, 2023, 6 - 8:00 p.m.: Open House #2, Fort Worden Commons, 210 Battery Way | Agenda | Click for Childcare Registration | Presentation | Click for Survey | Concept Designs to Accompany Survey
- May 19, 2023 8:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.: Workshop | Agenda | Presentation | Meeting Minutes
- June 12, 2023, 6:00 p.m.: City Council Briefing | Presentation
- June 16, 2023, 8:30 - 10:30 a.m.: Steering Committee Workshop | Agenda | Presentation | Meeting Minutes
- July 5, 2023, 9:30 - 11:00 a.m.: Steering Committee Workshop | Agenda | Presentation | Meeting Minutes
- July 12, 2023, 6:00 p.m.: Online Open House | Hybrid Meeting | Presentation | Concept Design | Virtual Meeting Recording
- July 13, 2023, 6:00 p.m.: Open House #3, Fort Warden Commons, 210 Battery Way | Presentation | Concept Design
- July 17, 2023, 6:00 p.m.: City Council Briefing
- July 28, 2023, 6:00 p.m.: Steering Committee Workshop | Presentation | Meeting Minutes
- August 25, 2023, 8:30 - 10:30 a.m.: Steering Committee Workshop | Agenda | Presentation | Meeting Minutes
- September 25, 2023, 1:30 p.m.: Jefferson County Board of Commissioners Workshop | Agenda
- October 16, 2023, 6:00 p.m.: City Council Final Recommendation | Agenda | Presentation
- November 13, 2023, 5:30 p.m.: Tour of Mountain View Pool
- November 13, 2023, 6:30 p.m.: City Council Special Meeting at Mountain View
- December 8, 2023, 10:00 a.m.: Steering Committee | Agenda | Meeting Minutes
- January 30, 2024, 3:00 p.m. Steering Committee | Agenda | Meeting Summary
- February 28, 2024: Steering Committee | Agenda | Meeting Summary
Materials Available for Review:
- Parks, Recreation and Open Space Plan
- Jefferson County Community Health Assessment
- Community Health and Wellness Facility
- Interlocal Agreement
- Memorandum of Understanding
- Professional Services Agreement
- Results of Aquatics Center Feasibiity Survey
- Comment Log (Updated 5/17/23)
- Results of Aquatics Center Survey 3
- Aquatics Center Final Report
- Final Report and Appendices
- Healthier Together Recommendations
- Mountain View Pool Renovation Cost Study
- Mountain View Lifecycle Report
Current Operations:
Mountain View Pool 2022 Annual Report
How you can engage
We want to hear from as many people as possible. You can provide input and comments at any time through our online form.
Other ways to engage include:
- Sign up for the distribution list
- Attend a City Council meeting and provide input
- Attend an open house or virtual open house
- Watch our Parks video