Historic Preservation Materials


Historic Design Review - Administrative Application*

Historic Design Review - Committee Application*

Sign Review - Administrative Application*

Exterior Paint Registration- Administrative Form

A brief consultation with a staff is highly recommended to help determine whether Administrative or Committee review is required.

Adopted Historic Preservation Guidelines

Summary of Secretary's Standards for Preserving, Rehabilitating, Restoring and Reconstructing Historic Buildings, including amendments

Design Review Guidelines - Overall

Uptown Commercial Subdistrict Guidelines 

Historic Residential Properties - Information

Pre Approved Fonts

Signs- Sandwich Board- Design Guidelines

Port Townsend's Historic District Color Palette (list and color chip board)

Historic District Color Sample Board

Awnings- Design Guidelines

Murals- Design Guidelines

Mechanical- Design Guidelines

Neon Signage- Design Guidelines

Port Townsend Historic District Streetscape Design, including amendments related to the East Downtown Streetscape Plan

Water Street Historic District- A field report of the National Trust for Historic Preservation

Design Guidelines for Historic Residences


Federal Tax Incentives for Preserving Historic Structures- This may only be beneficial for income producing properties.

Washington State Special Property Tax Valuation Program

City Historic Preservation Code

City Sign Code Informational Handout

Historical Residential Properties- Placement of New Additions

Historic Window Preservation Guidelines

Port Townsend Paint Primer and Lead Paint Removal Handout

Mortar Preservation Brief

Port Townsend Ghost Murals

Historic Preservation Funding

Outside Resources and Organizations

National Park Service is a bureau of the US Dept of the Interior. Their work extends beyond National Parks by helping communities preserve their own distinct places and tell their unique stories. They maintain a wealth of preservation related information on a variety of topics, which are used by working professionals as well as the lay person. Two such documents include the full NPS Manual on the Secretary's Standards plus the NPS Guidelines on Sustainability.

Washington State Department of Archeology and Historic Preservation is a Washington State agency charged providing local communities and individuals with information on cultural and historic resource protection; via a searchable database called WISAARD. Their website offers extensive material on the historic buildings and archeology of Washington State. DAHP staff can assist in navigating any State required permit review that has a historic preservation focus. They also can guide applicants on nominating properties to the State and National Register of Historic places.

National Trust for Historic Preservation is a private, non profit organization operating across the U.S. on historic preservation and cultural heritage awareness.

Washington Trust for Historic Preservation is a private, non profit organization operating throughout Washington State on matter related to historic preservation and cultural heritage awareness. The Washington Trust also houses the statewide network of Main Street programs. 

Washington State Historic Society is a non profit membership organization that offers a variety of services to researchers and lifelong learners. They also operate the State History Research Center and the Washington State History Museum.

Jefferson County Historic Society and Art Museum has a library of historic photographs and other valuable information for researching Port Townsend and Jefferson County properties. They also offer a wide range of events and local tours.