Discovery Road Bikeway and Sidewalk Project

Discovery Road Bikeway and Sidewalks Project Graphic

What type of pedestrian and bicycle road facilities will provide the greatest benefit to the most people and increase our community’s use of healthy, active transportation?


Background Information and Key Issues:

Discovery Road provides one of two primary routes into and out of Port Townsend. This corridor lightens traffic volumes on Sims Way by offering drivers another less congested route into town. In anticipation of future traffic volumes increasing, this exciting project will provide bicycle and pedestrian space on Discovery Road between the Rainier Street roundabout and Salish Coast Elementary School. The City has been successful in securing state and federal grant funds for the project. The key challenge is developing a design within the project budget recognizing there are several ways to accomplish the objective.


Objectives/Desired Outcome(s):

The objective of this project is to provide community supported bike and pedestrian improvements along Discovery Road. It is intended that these improvements will be welcoming to the majority of users, while connecting to existing completed sections of Discovery Road on each end of the project.


Project Page:

Visit the Discovery Road project page for more details information about this project, including the schedule, fiscal considerations, and status updates once construction starts.