Completed Initiatives

Completed Initiatives Graphic




City of PT Diamond Logo

Investing in Our Trails, Parks and Streets 

Our community deeply values its open space, trails, parks and streets. As a community, we are unusually rich in natural assets and beauty, but like many communities, we struggle to keep up with ongoing and deferred maintenance and the community’s desire for improved access and amenity.  Each year through the budget process we have a chance as a community to determine how to best use our limited funding. 

Fort Worden PDA Logo

January 16, 2025

Golf Course Graphic

Are you interested in the future use of the City’s municipal golf course?  

Library Strategic Plan Graphic

What do you most want or need the Library to be in the future and how do we ensure the path forward is financially sustainable?

Public Safety & Law Enforcement Graphic

What type of feedback do you have for our public safety officers?  What are they doing well and what can they improve?

Recovery & Resilience Graphic

What will it take to recover from COVID-19 and how do we build lasting resilience into the future?

Water Supply - Mill Agreement Graphic

What does water supply sustainability for Port Townsend and the Mill (Port Townsend Paper Company) look like for the next 20, 50, and 100 years?