PRESS RELEASE - Mountain View Pool to Remain Closed Until Late July

Parts for boilers damaged by watermain break ordered but not to arrive for 4-5 weeks; estimated opening date for pool is July 26. YMCA to provide bus transportation to Sequim pool.

PORT TOWNSEND – Parts are on the way for the boilers and electrical equipment damaged by a watermain break at Mountain View Campus, although the parts are not likely to arrive before mid-July.

Immediate action from City staff, campus and agency partners, and an electrician contractor allowed the campus to restore water and power within a day. Parts for the boiler repair were ordered last week, after required procedures like inspection from an insurance adjuster. Supply chain and parts availability are issues that affect this repair and that are outside the control of municipalities.

Public Works Director Steve King says, “Thanks to the quick response of City facilities staff, EJFR, PUD, and the City water department, the flooding was controlled in time to prevent extensive damage to the electrical system located in the basement of Mountain View as well as address safety for staff and the public.”

With estimated arrival of the parts in 4-5 weeks, plus 2 weeks to install and test fire the boilers, the pool is expected to reopen on July 26. Meanwhile, City Facilities staff will remove the damaged parts and wet insulation and work on constructing a frame to attach the control boards above flood level.

Over the past week, City staff have been able to drive down the costs of the boiler parts by inspecting the parts that were damaged by the flood and only ordering the parts that were needed. The initial estimates were closer to $100,000, from the hard work and due diligence of staff we anticipate the cost to be closer to $60,000.

The pool, showers, and locker rooms will remain closed. YMCA facilities, including the front desk and gymnasium are open regular hours. The gymnasium will be open for pickleball, Senior Stretch & Stability, Drizzle Women's Basketball, and open gym when programs are not scheduled. All Jefferson County members, passholders, and punch card holders are welcome to swim at our YMCA of Sequim pool. Youth Enrichment will be back at our Mountain View Commons facility.

Meanwhile, the YMCA will be providing bus transportation from the Mountain View campus to the YMCA of Sequim pool on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11:30am, starting June 18th. The buses will accommodate 12 people ach for a total of 24 people at one time. The buses will be at the YMCA of Sequim from 12:30pm to 2:30pm with plans to leave by 2:45pm and return to the Mountain View campus. Those wishing to utilize the transportation need to register on the Olympic Peninsula YMCA website or by calling the YMCA front desk at 360-385-5811.

Major flooding at Mountain View Campus was caused by a watermain break on May 28. The 2.5-inch pipe failed under approximately 100 PSI of pressure, which began to immediately inundate the boiler room and adjacent electrical panel. Staff responded immediately, but by the time the valve was shut off, the flooding had already done significant damage.

The Mountain View Pool is over 60 years old and far beyond its expected service life. The original Mountain View Campus heating, plumbing and electrical systems configurations are outdated and subject to large failures such as this flooding event especially as the infrastructure ages and continues to experience failures. New facilities are designed with redundant systems and set up such that infrastructure failures do not result in catastrophic system failures.

The most recent interagency approach to explore and assess options for a pool to serve our region has been underway since early 2023.

More information and materials related to that effort can be found here and here.

More information on the flooding incident is included in the Council agenda bill, be found here.

Information related to the Mountain View Pool is also available by the operator, the Olympic Peninsula YMCA.

For more information and updates, follow the City Facebook page.