PRESS RELEASE - Community Invited to Three-Day Comprehensive Plan Studio

Interactive workshops will engage around future vision and scenarios

PORT TOWNSEND – The City of Port Townsend and SCJ Alliance are hosting a three-day interactive studio with City Council, City staff, and the community to begin fleshing out the details of the 20-year comprehensive plan. The event will shape the City’s long-term goals, including how policies are drafted for the plan. Future public events will continue to build on these goals.

All are invited from July 22 to 24 at the Cotton Building at 607 Water Street in Port Townsend for an opportunity to co-create the future of the city. Community members of all ages are welcome to participate in these drop-in workshops and stay for as long as they choose. Times for the studio were selected to ensure broad participation over the three days.

The full schedule is below and on the City’s Comprehensive Planning website: 

Monday, July 22: PT 2045 GALA
Gather alongside local officials, board members, and staff to open the studio.
3-4PM: Workshop Time - City Council
4-5PM: Studio Soft Open to Public
5-8PM: PT 2045 Gala with light refreshments

Tuesday, July 23: VISION DRAFTING
Review the current vision and collaboratively suggest improvements or revisions with consultants, city staff, and other members of the public.
9AM-6PM: Studio Hours
6-8PM: Vision Workshop
✶ 6PM: Presentation
✶ 6:20-8PM: Activities

Wednesday, July 24: SCENARIOS WORKSHOP
Explore options to achieve the vision proposed at the workshop and identify a potential ‘preferred scenario.'
9AM-6PM: Studio Hours
6-8PM: Scenarios Workshop

✶ 6PM: Presentation
✶ 6:20-8PM: Activities


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For more information on the Comprehensive Plan Periodic Review, visit Questions about the Comprehensive Plan Studio and related opportunities to engage in the comprehensive plan can be sent to Long Range Planner, Adrian Smith,