NEW as of July 1, 2023! Tiny Houses on Wheels

Starting on July 1, 2023, per Ordinance 3306, Tiny Houses on Wheels (THOWs) are permitted as Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs), subject to the requirements of Port Townsend Municipal Code 17.58.030. An ADU is a dwelling unit that is accessory to an existing primary residence. As ADUs, up to 2 THOWs may be placed on a lot with an existing single-family residence. For information on how to establish a Tiny House on Wheels Community with up to 12 THOWs, please see our THOW Community handout, below. For general information about ADUs, please see our ADU handout. These handouts and any additional THOW forms and documents are found on this page below, and here:
What is a Tiny House on Wheels (THOW)?
Depending on who you talk to, THOW can refer to a variety of structures, so it is important to know what types of structures are permitted as THOWs in Port Townsend. Per PTMC 17.58, a THOW is defined as a structure no larger than 400 square feet, excluding loft space, that meets the following conditions:
• Is licensed and registered with the Department of Motor Vehicles;
• Is constructed and certified to building and inspections standards in PTMC 17.58.030;
• Is no larger than allowed for movement on public highways;
• Has at least 150 square feet of first floor living space and does not exceed 16 feet in height;
• Is a detached self-contained unit which includes areas for cooking, sleeping, and sanitation.
A THOW is technically a Park Model Recreational Vehicle, which is a factory-built structure or dwelling constructed to American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standards (not State Building Codes) and is certified through the Washington Department of Labor and Industries (L&I). Since Park Models are typically designed for temporary or recreational use, THOWs in Port Townsend will be required to meet additional construction standards on top of Park Model standards to increase energy efficiency and be suitable for all-year, day-to-day use as a dwelling. More information is available in the Tiny House on Wheels information handouts and additional resources below.
Resources for Learning More
City of Port Townsend Financial Sustainability Video Series: Part 3: Housing
Housing Solutions Network: Tiny House on Wheels Webinar & Additional Resources