Utility Rate Increases

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Rates for City utility customers will increase effective January 1, 2022, and will be reflected in the January 31st billing.
For an average residential customer:

The monthly fixed rate for all services (combined) will increase from $117.10 to $119.57 plus usage charges. This is a 3% increase over last year. Rates will vary for each class of water customer and water meter size.

The monthly water base rate increases from $21.42 to $22.06. Water usage charges increase from $3.03 per 1,000 gallons used to $3.12 per 1,000 gallons used.  The water capital surcharge remains $22.00 to fund ongoing capital improvement projects.

The monthly sewer base rate increases from $35.91 to $36.99. Sewer volume fee increases from $8.49 to $8.74. The sewer capital surcharge remains at $9.00.
The monthly stormwater base rate increases from $8.33 to $8.63. The stormwater capital surcharge remains at $6.00.

The City anticipates additional utility rate and surcharge increases over the next several years to fully fund utility requirements. Aside from the already adopted rate increases above, additional rate changes are likely to be adopted in December as part of a final agreement with the Paper Mill.