Water Street Sewer Replacement Project

Using innovation to Repair our aging sewer system
Project Update: January 21, 2025
Water Street Sewer: Construction Starts January 27 through mid-May 2025
Project contact:
Andre Harper
(360) 385-5088
Project Overview
The Water Street sewer main line, in the vicinity of Water and Grant Streets, collapsed in December 2022 requiring an emergency repair, and collapsed again near the ferry terminal intersection in September 2024. After the initial break in 2022, the City began applying for grants and low interest loans to fund a sewer main replacement. The Water Street Sewer Replacement project is a $3.2M project scheduled to begin in January 2025 with approximately 80 days of construction. The project will rectify a decades-old issue common to asbestos concrete pipe, which deteriorates when exposed to gases from sewage.
The project will extend the City’s existing Monroe Lift Station force main approximately 1,850 feet using an innovative method called “horizontal directional drilling,” or HDD. You can watch an informative video about HDD, using this link. This method of construction is commonly used to install pipe in areas not amenable to open trench construction, including environmentally sensitive areas and main thoroughfares like Water Street. The City will also replace approximately 1,830 feet of existing gravity sewer main via “slip lining,” which is the process of inserting a smaller pipe into the failing larger pipe.
The work is being planned for minimal impact and has been scheduled during a slower traffic season for Port Townsend. Site work will include traffic control. Questions regarding the Water Street Sewer Replacement Project should be directed to Project Manager Andre Harper, aharper@cityofpt.us.
Images of sewer pipe failure in September 2024
1. Initial discovery of sink hole at the ferry terminal.
2. Crews make quick work of a temporary stabilization and fix.
Project Schedule & Construction Notices
Safety in a high-traffic area like Water Street is of the utmost importance.
- Work hours will be between 7:00AM and 6:00PM.
- Equipment is staged along Water Street behind the Lighthouse Center building, and adjacent to where work is occurring. The equipment staging and construction areas will be cordoned off.
- There will be bike lane and single lane closures along the bluff side of Water Street, with open pits for sewer pipe connections. Pits will be closed with steel plating during non-construction hours. One side of the road along Water Street will remain open for narrow two-way vehicle and bicycle traffic – use extreme caution and drive slowly through the construction area. Pedestrians should use caution walking along the sidewalk in this area.
- Businesses and residential parking lots will remain open and accessible at all times with the exception of the head-in parking located at the Triangle building on Water Street between Gaines and SR20. This is planned for project equipment and material staging within project construction boundary.
- In the first part of the project, there will be sawcutting of asphalt and concrete, and drilling, which will generate construction noise during working hours.
- It is expected that the road along SR20 will remain open for the entirety of the project. Traffic will be guided by flaggers when necessary.
We understand that construction has impacts to businesses and residents and we ask for your patience, grace, and support as we make much-needed repairs to our sewer system. The project webpage has additional information and we will post updates periodically. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have.
Thank you for your support in improving our essential community infrastructure!
Find the Request for Bid Proposals here: https://cityofpt.us/rfps
City Council: Staff Presentation for the Emergency Repair of Water Street Sewer September 2024
City Council: Staff Presentation Authorizing $2.7 Million for Water Street Sewer Repair May 2023
City Council: Staff Presentation on the Water Street Sewer Main Break December 2022
Press Release: Sewer Main Break and Road Closure December 2022
General Sewer Plan Information